I decided the other day, now I've been around here a while, to give the blog a little bit of a revamp. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy experimenting with Photoshop Elements but I am the first to admit that I am an amateur.
Fortunately for me though, I have a very good friend in Iss who has a bit of a photo studio business thing running and I knew she'd be able to help me out.
The results, the new banner, are shown above. The idea was to try and capture a bit of my SL in one image.
We had fun, I thought, with poses and stuff, once I'd decided on an outfit to wear, so I'm not sure why she was ready to strangle me by the time we'd finished...
I can highly recommend Iss's talents so if you need some photo work doing, hit her up. She'll be more than willing to assist you, I'm sure.
Party People
13 hours ago
I had a lot of fun doing this :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I wasn't trying to strangle you! More like drag you into the bedroom ........
I love the new banner!! Nice job!