I've been amazed in the last two days. Amazed in two ways.
Firstly, I've been amazed quite how widespread the
NBTBP meme thing has become. I've managed to track down just short of 30 responses, I think, if you included plurk as well as the blogs, in just two short days. This blog took 100 unique hits in a day aswell when the most I'd managed before was about 20. It seems nekkid but tasteful butt pics are popular. Who'd have thunk it?
Secondly, I've been amazed by the different reactions it's had in different people. Some people have not had a second thought about posting pics. Some had to take pics especially while some just had buttpics lying around. But people in this group had no reservations or hesitation at all.
Then there are another group who were reluctant at first but then gradually weakened and posted, either just a softening stance or due to peer pressure. Yay for softening stances!
And then a third group stated their reluctance and stood their ground. No way, Jose!
I don't know to what degree the make-up of the different groups reflects RL personalities and to what degree it reflects that combined with our association with our avatars. But it is clear that perhaps some people just dissociate with their avs more. Their pixel butts are no more than that. But for others, those pixels are more closely linked to their actual bodies and they'd never expose something in public in SL that the'd not expose in RL.
I think it's maybe different for everyone. Why they participate in this or they don't. And in no way should we judge anyone for their decision, of course. But one thing I have loved in the last couple of days, and this is purely due to the make-up of this community I think, is the need to blog about the decisions made and the thoughts processes surrounding it all.
Finally, in this post, the lovely
Tymmerie Thorne has had the wonderful idea of turning all of these pics into an art installation. And I for one think this is a wonderful idea. Due to various reasons she's volunteered to do all the legwork that I'm unable to do but before we just go about nicking people's pictures we thought we'd want to get permission from contributors that they're ok with their buttpics being displayed. So, if you've participated in the meme please comment on this post with a link to the post/pic and affirmation of permission. Or you can IM Tymmerie inworld.
It's going to be a world of 'nekkid but tasteful butt pics'. Who could want for more?